Don’t Push. Pull.

There are two ways to encourage people to change, and one works better than the other.


It’s Better To Pull Than To Push  

If there is anything I know about everyone who subscribes to these emails, it’s that we all want the best for those we care about. 

We want to see our loved ones happy, healthy, and thriving. In our journey through TRAIN. PROTECT. PROVIDE., we often wish those closest to us would join us in our pursuit of health and fitness. We want them to TRAIN HARD just like we do. We want them to eat the foods we eat and avoid the foods we avoid. We want them to prioritize their sleep and hydration. We want that for them because we know how powerful that stuff is for us.

But how can we effectively inspire this change?

This is a question I get all the time and something I have wrestled with myself. 

Recently, a gentleman reached out to me and shared an analogy that perfectly encapsulates the approach we should all take: the difference between pulling and pushing. If you use a shoestring to pull an object, it moves smoothly toward you, staying straight and directed. 

But if you push that same string, it crumples, becomes tangled, and ultimately doesn’t go where you want it to. It is a losing battle every single time.

The Power of Pulling

This analogy sheds light on a crucial aspect I’ve learned about human behavior. People will almost always resist being pushed into doing something, especially when it involves personal changes concerning their health, nutrition, or fitness. 

Push too hard, and they might push back or shut down completely.

Instead, we thrive when we are pulled—drawn by the inspiration of positive examples and the visible benefits we see from the people we look up to. By embodying the principles of TRAIN, PROTECT, and PROVIDE, we set a powerful example. It’s about showing, not telling. 

It’s about inviting, not insisting.

Practical Steps to Influence by Example

  • Set the Example: Let your actions speak. When others see you overcoming obstacles, staying committed, and enjoying the fruits of your labor, they’re more likely to get curious and motivated. TRAIN HARD, do it consistently, and show up even when life gets busy or when you don’t want to. 

  • Celebrate Small Wins: Whether it’s a personal best in the gym or a new healthy recipe that tastes great, celebrate these moments openly with those you love. Enthusiasm is infectious. Let them know how happy you are for them, and then just watch the momentum build. 

  • Invite Participation: Instead of urging change, invite your loved ones to join you in a workout or a healthy meal. Make it accessible and enjoyable, not a chore or a challenge.

  • Be Patient and Supportive: Change doesn’t happen overnight. Be there as a supporter and a cheerleader, not a critic. Patience pays off—with this and with anything else in life. 

Your Role in the Bigger Picture

Every time you step into the gym or choose a healthy meal over an easy indulgence, remember—you’re not just doing it for yourself. You’re laying down tracks for others to follow. You’re not just training, protecting, and providing for yourself; you’re lighting the way for your loved ones, too.

Remember — Pull, don’t push. And just watch how things around you start changing for the better. 



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Together, we can build a brighter future by helping each other become the best version of ourselves.


I Never Want My Kids To Say “Dad Used To…”


Community Voices: TRAIN. PROTECT. PROVIDE.