Make Them Proud

Who are you making proud? 
Every rep, every choice, every day – it’s all for them.


The Ultimate 'Why': Make Them Proud

In our journey to TRAIN HARD, we often talk about personal goals, motivation, and discipline. We talk about working out, eating healthy, prioritizing growth, and never letting your momentum get to ZERO, but one thing we haven’t talked about much is WHY. 

Sometimes, what drives us can be bigger than ourselves. For me, it’s about making the people who matter most proud.

Think about it. It’s not always about doing things to make ourselves proud. Am I proud of the athlete I’ve become? Sure. Do I TRAIN HARD so I can LOOK THE PART and be proud of how I look and how I feel? Of course. 

But when it comes to staying on track when motivation wanes (and it always does), it helps to have something deeper to lean on than just those reasons. Think about the people in your life that you love and respect—your family, your friends, the people who depend on you. For me, it's my wife and kids. They are my ultimate 'why.'

Every workout, every healthy meal, every time I choose patience over frustration—it's to be the best husband and father I can be. I TRAIN HARD to always have energy, to show up in a good mood, and to regulate my emotions when life throws me curveballs. 

I want to be a role model for my son and a PROTECTOR for my daughter. I want to be a PROVIDER for my wife and never stop giving her reasons to find me attractive. 

My family is my motivation to NEVER HIT ZERO, and that is a more powerful WHY than any competition I sign up for or body composition goal I might have.

It’s not always easy. Life tests us in countless ways. But remembering who I’m doing this for makes every tough decision clearer and every challenging day worth it.

So, who do you want to make proud?

Who looks up to you or relies on you? Let them be your fuel. When the early mornings are dark and cold, when you’re tempted by an easy way out, remember their faces and the promise you made to show up as the best version of yourself. 

You're not just training for yourself. You're building a legacy of strength, resilience, and dedication for those who matter most.

This year, let's not just aim to make ourselves proud. Let’s focus on the bigger picture—the people in our lives who inspire us to be better every day.

TRAIN HARD, not just for you, but for them. Let's make 2024 a year where we all make someone proud.


P.S. As a reminder, the TRAIN HARD FLAGS are now up on the shop. I can’t think of a better addition to a home gym to constantly remind us what we do and why. Grab yours today, and send me a picture once you have it up on your wall. 


Who else can get this done in 8 minutes or less? This lung burner has been one of my favorite workouts from our FORCE track on the TRAIN HARD App. 




Deadlift (185/135)

Burpees Over Bar

It Took me 6:10 today.


Share this knowledge with those in your life who are also driven to TRAIN, PROTECT, PROVIDE.
Together, we can build a brighter future by helping each other become the best version of ourselves.


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